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아름다운 여정

Botanic Garden

"파피 오페디움", 꽃입술이 주머니모양 특별한 서양란

안젤라Angella 2013. 1. 22. 06:00


Habat Arboretum Tropical Garden




"파피 오페디움(Pophipedilum)"은 난초과의 상록여러해살이풀이다.


분포지는 동남아시아, 우리나라, 중국등지이며, 품종에 따라서는 꽃줄기에 4~5송이씩 피는 것도 있는데 꽃술은 주머니처럼 되어 있어


곤충들이 꽃가루를 날라 꽃이 피면 오래도록 꽃을 볼 수 있다.  꽃입술이 주머니처럼 되어 있어 다른 서양란에서 볼 수 없는 특별한 점이 있으며


거의 일년내내 피어있다.  음지에서 자라는 종 이지만 일조량이 부족한 곳에서도 키울수 있는데, 습도는 70~80%가 필요하며 실외에서는 재배하기다 어렵다.


분포지도 다양해 인도, 태국, 베트남, 중국, 파푸아뉴기니, 그리고 우리나라 제주도에 이르기까지 폭넓게 분포하고 있다.





Commonly known as Slipper Orchids or Lady's Slippers, this genus contains


about 30 species, as well as thousands of hybrids that have become well-known house


plants and that are often incorrectly called Cypripedium, actually a distinct group.





The popular names were inspired by the characteristic pouch-like


that is a promincen feature of the often large and spectacular flowers.





Usually terrestrial, meaning that they grow in the ground.


Paphiopedilum is native to a region that extends from china through Southeast Asia to


New Guinea.  Wild species are now regarded as endangered and trade in them is


prohibited by a convention signed by over ninety countries.





They have leathery leaves that may be attractively mottled,


and the flowers appear, often singly but sometimes in clusters, at the top of stalks,







To cite but two examples, on P. barbatum the dorsal sepal of the flower is


white striped with purple and the petails and lip are varying shades of purple;


on P. lowii yellow-green is added to the colour combination and the petals droop elegantly.





Most of the hybrids do best under slightly cooo conditoons.


They like light shade, a very well-drained pottingmixture,


and protection from heavy rains.