Pyrostegia Venusta,
Hanbat Arboretum Tropical Garden
Flame vine is a vigorous, fast-growing, evergreen woody vine that blooms in winter and spring with
spectaular reddish-orange flower. The compound leaves have two or three(2~3) in (5.1~7.6cm) oval leafkects
and are arranged in pairs opposite each other on the stem.
Often, the center leaflect is modified into a coiled, three parted tendril. Flame vine branches profusely and climbs
by clinging with its tendril. The tubular flowers ara about 3 in (7.6cm) long and borne in clusters of 15-20 at the tips of branches.
The corolla has five lobes which are bent backwards, and the long orange stames and style extend beyond
the tube. The flower clusters may hang down under the weight of their own beauty.
Fruits are slender dry slender dry capsules about 1ft (0.3m) long.
Where; Hanbat Arboretum Tropicl Garden
When; 04, January, 2013
How ; Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1
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