Hanbat Arboretum Tropical Garden
"심비디움(Cymbidium)"은 서양란의 일종이고, "Cymbidium" 이라는 단어는 라틴어로 "물위의배"라는 의미이다.
봄부터 가을까지 자라고 겨울에는 생육이 중지된다. 꽃을 피우며 다른 수입 원예식물인 산세베리아 보다 음이온 발생량이 더 많아
공기정화에 도움을 주는 식물이다. 2개의 꽃잎, 1개의 설판, 그리고 3개의 꽃받침으로 구성된 꽃, 칼 모양의 잎, 일반적으로 벌브라고 불리는
방추형의 비대한 줄기및 굵은 끝과 같은 뿌리를 가지고 있는 것이 특징이다.
꽃은 화려하고 풍부하지만 대부분 향기가 없고, 우리나라에서는 겨울철에 꽃이 피며 화분용과 절화용으로 많이 이용된다.
인도, 동남아시아, 중국, 일본, 오스트레일리아 북부에 걸쳐 넓은 지역에 자생하고 있는복경성난으로 일반적으로 자생란류에 속하지만 반착생성인것도 있다.
"Cymbidium"은 12월의 탄생화이다.
Cymbidium or Boat Orchids, is genus of 52 evergreen species in the Orchid
family Orchidceae. It was first described by Olof Swartz in 1799.
The name is devided from the Greek work kumbos, meaning "hole, cavity"
It refers to the form of the base of the lip.
The species Cymbidium hookerianum is considered a delicacy in Bhutan
where it is traditionally cooked in a spicy curry or stew and called
"olatshe" or "olachoto". It is sometimes confused with Cyclanthera pedata,
another local delicacy (the nomenclature has not been
clearly established; there are indications that "olatshe" usually refers to Cymb.
and "olachoto" to Cycl., although not consistently).
It is sometimes confused with Cyclanthera pedata, another local delicacy
(the nomenclature has not been clearly established; there are indications
that "olatshe" usually refers to Cymb. And "olachoto" to Cycl., although not consistently).
Cymbidium plants are symbodial and grow to a height of 60 cm
and the racemes as high as 90 cm.
The raceme grows from the base of the most recent pseudoblub.
Each flower can have a diameter of 5 to 10 cm, according to the species.
They bloom during the winter, and each plant can have up to fifteen or more flowers
The fantastic range of colors for this genus include whitegreen, yellowish-green,
cream, yellow, brown, pink, and red [and orange] (and there may be markings of other color
shades at the same time), but not blue and black. The flowers
last about ten weeks. They have a waxy texture.
The rounded sepals and petals have about the same dimensions
They show very diverse color patterns, different for every species.
It is one of the most popular and desirable orchids in the world because of the beautiful flowers.
These plants make great houseplants, and are also popular in floral arrangements
and corsages. They have been cultivated for thousands of years, especially in China.
Cymbidiums became popular in Europe during the Victoria ara, One feature
that makes the plant so popular is the fact that it can survive during cold temperatures
(as low as 7˚ C or 45˚ F) [Actually they will survive at temperatures below 32˚F for
short periods and even as low as 28˚F].
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