아름다운 여정

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아름다운 여정

Botanic Garden

로즈더차이나, 섬세한 아름다움 간직한 꽃

안젤라Angella 2013. 1. 14. 18:00

Rose of China,

Hanbat Arboretum Tropical Garden







If any single plant had to be selected as emblematic of the tropics,


it would very likely be HIbiscus, the flowers of which brighten gardens from Bali to Florida.


The genus contains somes 200 species, but the most commonly grown is H. rosa-sinensis.


Some (though not all) authorities believe this to be a native of China; in any event,


it has now spread throughout the tropical world in a wide selection of hybrids that range in


flowers size from dainty to enormous, both single and double, and that go under an


equally large variety of evocative names, among them Blue Bayou, California Gold,






Hula Girl, Toreador, Brilliant, and White, Wings. (In Indonesia, the common red


Hibiscus is known as the "shoe flower", a reference to the fact that a juice extracted from


thePetals was supposedly used by the Dutch colonials to darken their shoes.)






Generally, H. rosa-sinensis is a medium-sized shrub, but some varieties can



grow as tall as 5 metres.  The leaves may be ovate or lobed.  The leaves may be ovate


or lobed, smooth or hairy, green or varigated.  Flower colours range from pure white


throughlemon yellow and pink to scarlet.  Though the flowers last only one day,


many varieties bloom profusely so that there are nearly always several open at any time.


Leaves and flowers are both edible and are sometimes used in traditional medicine.






Another popular species is Hibiscus schizopetalus, a native of East Africa,


Which has less dense foliage, arching branches, pendulous flowers foliage, arching branches,


pendulous flowers with fringed petals that curl back against the stem and an exceptionally


long starmind column.  This is known in some places as the Coral Hibiscus, in other as the


Fringed Hibiscus.  Like H. rosa-sineusis it has been used as the parent plant for numerous hybrids.






H. arnottanus is native tp Jawaoo amd grow wild at higher elevations on the island


of Oahu, becoming a large shrub or small tree' it has white flowers, usually with a red stamen,


and unlike most Hibiscus is scented. 


Also a number of the family, though quite different in outward appearance from the above,


is H. mutailis, popularly known as the Changetable Rose, the Rose of Sharon, or the


Cotton Rose.  This is a vigorous, bushy shrub growing to 2 metres or more, with greyish-green


leaves and large flowers.  Either single or double, that are pure white when they open in


the morning and change during the course of the day to deep pink.






Most Hibiscus require full sun to flowers, well and benefit from ocasional pruning,


especialy when used as a hedge.  Some of the hybrids developed in Florida and Hawai


have proved difficult to grow in Southeast Asian gardens and are more often seen in that


region as carefully tended potted specimens.






히비스커스(Rose of China)는 쌍떡잎식물 아욱목 아욱과 무궁화속에 속한 식물의 총칭이다.


영문명으로 Hwaian Hibiscus, China Rose, Chinese-Roses, Show-Flowers, Blacking Plants 라고도 불리운다.  원예에서는 부상화


(Rose Shinese) 와 여기에서 만들어진  여러가지 잡종을 가리킨다.  부상화는 동인도와 중국이 원산지라고 보고 있으나


열대지방에서 널리 재배하고 있다.


한국에서는 온실에서 분재로 가꾼다.  상록관목이고 높이 2~5m로 자라며 가지가 많이 갈라진다. 


잎은 어긋나고 길이 9cm내외로 잎자루가 있으며 넓은 달걀모양이고 끝이 뽀쪽하여 불규칙한 톱니가 있다.  잎표면은 광택이 있으며


진녹색이다.   꽃은 넓은 깔때기형이고 새가지 윗부분의 겨드랑이에 1개씩 달리며 작은 꽃가지가 있다.


꽃받침은 통같이 생기고 끝이 5개로 갈라진다.  꽃잎은 붉고 5개이며 수술은 통처럼 합쳐져서 끝에 많은 꽃밥이 달린다. 


여름에서 겨울사이에 걸쳐서 피지만 적당한 온도가 유지될때는 연중 꽃이 핀다.  겨울에는 저온으로 인해 개화가 중지된다. 


16~30도에서 잘 생육하며 5도 이하에서 월동하며 광선을 좋아한다.


미국 하와이주에서 3,000종 이상이 개발되었고, 주화로 지정되어 있다.  꽃의 색깔은 백색, 홍색, 자색, 등색, 황색 등이고 겹꽃도 있으며


꽃의 지름이 10~25cm 인 것도 있다.  스케조페탈루스(H. schizopetaius)는 동부 열대 아프리카 원산의 상록관목이며 원종의 하나이다. 


꽃대가 길고 밑으로 처지며 꽃잎은 잘게 갈라지고 젖혀지며 적색으로서 수술과 암술이 길게 나오므로 풍경같아 보인다. 


"Rose of China"의 꽃말은 "아름다움" "섬세한 아름다움(Delicate Beauty)" "남몰래 간직한 사랑" 이다.